We all know how important getting a good night’s sleep is to our daily lives. Without it, we not only feel tired, but we might have difficulty concentrating, slower reflexes, body aches, excessive stress, and even sluggish metabolisms.
But the research suggests that despite everything we now know about sleep, more and more people seem to be having difficulty getting and maintaining a good 8 hours a night.
With new obstacles arising every day in modern society, it’s becoming a real challenge for many people to relax and get comfortable enough at night to access the benefits of sound sleep.
And with so many different factors affecting individual people in different ways, we might find a better solution to the problem in combinations of approaches rather than a single one-size-fits-all formula.
If we look at our sleep from a few different perspectives, getting that elusive block of uninterrupted REM could be as easy as committing to 5 simple rules.